The next 88 days...
The next 88 days...
Action Points
Congratulations! You just completed your training. You now have everything you need to become a ClickFunnels Super Affiliate.

Some people are confused as to why it's called the 100 Day Bootcamp when there are only 12 days of training. That's because you don't need more training, you just need to take action!

Here are a few things to keep in mind over the next 88 days....
  •  Keep Building Your List: Don't be afriad to try new offers, new lead magnets, new videos and podcasts. Sometimes the first two or three offers won't connect with your audience. That's okay. Just keep trying.
  • Implementation: There is no substitute for taking action. The only difference between super affiliates and you, is action.
  •  Keep Up With New Offers: There are always new offers and new content coming out. Stay active in the Facebook group and don't be afraid to experiment with our new content as well as your own.
  •  Go back and watch the training again: You'll learn more with each new review of the videos.
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